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Esequiel Fernandes Teixeira Mesquita


Researcher and Professor of Civil Engineering

UFC / Russas

Esequiel Mesquita is Professor of the Civil Engineering course and Coordinator of the Laboratory of Rehabilitation and Durability of Buildings (LAREB) of the Russas Campus of the Federal University of Ceará, Russas Campus and Permanent Professor of the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering at UFC. Graduated in Civil Engineering from the State University Vale do Acaraú (2012), he holds a PhD in Civil Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (2017). He was Visiting Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Florence (Italy, 2018). Since 2018 he is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation (Springer) and, has published the books Heritage Engineering (2019), Pathology of Buildings (2020) and Masonry Affected by the Action of Moisture and Salts (Technical Reviewer/2022). He has been dedicated to the development of research in the area of building characterization and evaluation, non-destructive testing, durability and monitoring of buildings, optical sensors, smart materials, and heritage. Over the years he has published more than 140 technical papers, the most recent in the area of cultural heritage.

Since 2014, Prof. Esequiel Mesquita has been dedicated to the survey of information on the aspects of maintenance and durability of historic buildings in Ceará, in addition to the development of technical studies on the vulnerability of historic buildings, to aid in the allocation of public resources. The scope of his studies includes the historic centers of Sobral, Aracati, Viçosa, Icó and historic buildings of Fortaleza, in partnership with IPHAN.

Prof. Esequiel Mesquita is also Coordinator of the Digitization of Ceará's Cultural Heritage Project, under the Program Cientista Chefe Cultura, coordinated by Prof. Custódio Almeida, which aims to digitize copies of the State Public Library, with a view to preservation and dissemination of the collection, and to promote the digitization of historic buildings, with virtual tours, survey of 3D models for preservation and documentation. It is important to highlight that two important aspects of the projects coordinated by Prof. Esequiel Mesquita are to foster aspects of the circular economy and support the emergence of specialized companies in the area of culture, in addition to the entire training of human resources to act in this sector and with strong collaboration and international insertions.



Assessment of metric accuracy on data acquisition using point cloud: an application to the José de Alencar Theater


Digitalization based on high-resolution scanning and HBIM tools for damage assessment of the José de Alencar house


Digitization of historical heritage: Nossa Senhora do Rosário Church, Aracati-CE


Updating the documentation of a historic building: a case study of the José de Alencar theatre


Innovation and Technology for the Cultural Heritage of Ceará

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